Thursday, August 4, 2011

Teen Auto Insurance: Safety valve for the Enthusiastic Driver

Your son may have just learnt driving a few months back and have got a license. He is willing to drive your favorite Toyota. It is the family car. But it is almost brand new and it is insured in your name. You will have to do teen auto insurance for your son. This is a special type of insurance, where the premium is much higher compared to ordinary adult auto insurance. Since teens lacks experience and so they fall in special category of customers for the insurance companies. There are some specific models of small motor vehicles specially suited for the teenager class. There is also the option of purchasing a standalone policy. Various restrictions helps to reduce the premiums of this policy.

If they follow a clean driving record with not breaking the speed limit or traffic violations, then only the premium rates can be decreased. That is why the teen auto insurance is really a special kind of product of the insurance portfolio. Apart from the clean driving record, there is also an option of purchasing an insurance policy with a higher deductible. It is very much simple, the higher the deductible, the lower will be the premium amount. And then, if you are planning to purchase a brand new vehicle for your son then purchase a vehicle, which is very well built. Teenage drivers can also reduce their risk of insuring by the purchase of a standalone auto insurance policy. This could be done from any agency that specializes in providing teen auto insurance. This stand alone policy is that they are not added as any additional driver on your insurance, but will rather carry their own insurance. There are also certain concessions, regarding the driving habits of those teenaged children.

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